Toplam 81 içerik listeleniyor
Ultra Saf Su Cihazı
Model Wellix Plus Finesta Özellikler 0,22 mm Filtre Standart 254/185nm UV Lamba Standart 0.05 mm UF Filtre Standart Su Kalitesi TOC (ppb) 1 ~ 5 Pirojen < 0.001 Eu/mL Partikül (0,2mm) < 1/mL Bakteri < 1cfu/mL • Aydınlatmalı geniş LCD ekran • Gerçek zamanlı giriş suyu sıcaklığı ve iletkenlik takip ekranı • Otomatik giriş suyu basınç...
Vacuubrand ME 1C Vakum Pompası
Teknik Özellikler Birim ME 1C Kademe Sayısı 1 / 1 Max. pompalama hızı at 50/60 Hz m3/h 0.7 / 0.85 Max. pompalama hızı at 50/60 Hz cfm 0.4 / 0.5 En düşük vakum (abs.) mbar/torr 100 / 75 Çalışma için gerekli ortam sıcaklığı °C 10 - 40 Depolama için gerekli ortam sıcaklığı °C -10 - 60 Max. geri basınç...
Vacuubrand MZ 1C Vakum Pompası
Teknik Özellikler Birim MZ 1C Kademe Sayısı 2 / 2 Max. pompalama hızı at 50/60 Hz m3/h 0.75 / 0.9 Max. pompalama hızı at 50/60 Hz cfm 0.4 / 0.5 En düşük vakum (abs.) mbar/torr 12 / 9 En düşük vakum gas ballast ile mbar/torr 20 / 15 Çalışma için gerekli ortam sıcaklığı °C 10 - 40 Depolama için gerekli ortam...
Vacuubrand MZ 2C NT Vakum Pompası
Teknik Özellikler Birim MZ 2C NT Kademe Sayısı 2 / 2 Max. pompalama hızı at 50/60 Hz m3/h 2.0 / 2.3 Max. pompalama hızı at 50/60 Hz cfm 1.2 / 1.4 En düşük vakum (abs.) mbar/torr 7 / 5 En düşük vakum gas ballast ile mbar/torr 12 / 9 Çalışma için gerekli ortam sıcaklığı °C 10 - 40 Depolama için gerekli ortam...
Vacuubrand PC 101 NT Vakum Pompası
Teknik Özellikler Birim PC 101 NT Vakum Kontrolü Manometer Piston ve Kademe Sayısı 2 / 2 Max. pompalama hızı at 50/60 Hz m3/h 2.0 / 2.3 Max. pompalama hızı at 50/60 Hz cfm 1.2 / 1.4 En düşük vakum (abs.) mbar/torr 7 / 5 En düşük vakum gas ballast ile mbar/torr 12 / 9 Çalışma için gerekli ortam sıcaklığı °C 10 -...
Vacuubrand ME 2C NT Vakum Pompası
Teknik Özellikler Birim ME 2C NT Kademe Sayısı 1 Max. pompalama hızı at 50/60 Hz m3/h 2.1 / 2.4 Max. pompalama hızı at 50/60 Hz cfm 1.2 / 1.4 En düşük vakum (abs.) mbar/torr 70 / 52 Çalışma için gerekli ortam sıcaklığı °C 10 - 40 Depolama için gerekli ortam sıcaklığı °C -10 - 60 Max. geri basınç...
Vacuubrand MD 1 C Vakum Pompası
Teknik Özellikler Birim MD 1 C Kademe Sayısı 3 Max. pompalama hızı at 50/60 Hz m3/h 1.3 / 1.5 Max. pompalama hızı at 50/60 Hz cfm 0.8 / 0.9 En düşük vakum (abs.) mbar/torr 2 / 1.5 En düşük vakum gas ballast ile mbar/torr 4 / 3 Çalışma için gerekli ortam sıcaklığı °C 10 - 40 Depolama için gerekli ortam...
Teknik Özellikler Birim VACUU·VIEW extended Vacuum sensor Upper measuring limit mbar/torr 1100 / 825 Lower measuring limit mbar/torr 0.001 / 0.001 Measurement principle Ceramic diaphragm sensor + ceramic jacketed Pirani sensor Accuracy of measurement +- 15% of indicated value in the range from 0.01-5 mbar / +-3 mbar for > 5 mbar Temperature...
Şilif , NS , Erkek ve Dişi
Dişi Şilif Katalog No Erkek Şilif Katalog No Toplam Boy NS Ölçüsü Ambalaj Miktarı LG001.01.1019 LG001.02.1019 120 mm 10/19 1...
Beher, Kısa Form
Katalog No Hacim (ml) Çap (mm) Boy (mm) Ambalaj Miktarı LG009.01.0010 10 26 35 1...
Büret, Düz, Cam ve Valf musluklu
Katalog No Şeffaf Amber Cam Musluklu Valf Musluklu Cam Musluklu Hacim (ml Tolerans (ml) Ambalaj Miktarı LG025.01.0010 LG025.02.0010 LG025.56.0010 10 0.02 1 Adet LG025.01.0025 LG025.02.0025 LG025.56.0025 25 0.05 LG025.01.0050 LG025.02.0050 LG025.56.0050 50 0.10 LG025.01.0100 LG025.02.0100 LG025.56.0100 100 0.20 DIN 12 700 Normuna...
Büret, Düz, PTFE musluklu
Katalog No Şeffaf Amber Hacim (ml) Tolerans (ml) Ambalaj Miktarı LG025.41.0010 LG025.42.0010 10 0.02 1 Adet LG025.41.0025 LG025.42.0025 25 0.05 LG025.41.0050 LG025.42.0050 50 0.10 LG025.41.0100 LG025.42.0100 100 0.20 DIN 12 700 Normuna...
Büret Otomatik, Tek valf musluklu
Katalog No Depolu Deposuz Hacim (ml) Tolerans (ml) Ambalaj Miktarı LG025.03.0010 LG025.04.0010 10 0.02 1 Adet LG025.03.0025 LG025.04.0025 25 0.05 LG025.03.0050 LG025.04.0050 50 0.10 LG025.03.0100 LG025.04.0100 100 0.20 DIN 12 700 Normuna...
Büret Otomatik, Tek cam musluklu, Şeffaf
Katalog No Depolu Deposuz Hacim (ml) Tolerans (ml) Ambalaj Miktarı LG025.43.0010 LG025.44.0010 10 0.02 1 Adet LG025.43.0025 LG025.44.0025 25 0.05 LG025.43.0050 LG025.44.0050 50 0.10 DIN 12 700 Normuna...
Büret Otomatik, Tek cam musluklu, Amber
Katalog No Depolu Deposuz Hacim (ml) Tolerans (ml) Ambalaj Miktarı LG025.05.0010 LG025.06.0010 10 0.02 1 Adet LG025.05.0025 LG025.06.0025 25 0.05 LG025.05.0050 LG025.06.0050 50 0.10 DIN 12 700 Normuna...
Büret Otomatik, Çift cam musluklu, Şeffaf
Katalog No Depolu Deposuz Hacim (ml) Tolerans (ml) Ambalaj Miktarı LG025.07.0010 LG025.08.0010 10 0.02 1 Adet LG025.07.0025 LG025.08.0025 25 0.05 LG025.07.0050 LG025.08.0050 50 0.10 LG025.07.0100 LG025.08.0100 100 0.20 DIN 12 700 Normuna...
Büret Otomatik, Çift PTFE musluklu, Şeffaf
Katalog No Depolu Deposuz Hacim (ml) Tolerans (ml) Ambalaj Miktarı LG025.09.0010 LG025.10.0010 10 0.02 1 Adet LG025.09.0025 LG025.10.0025 25 0.05 LG025.09.0050 LG025.10.0050 50 0.10 LG025.09.0100 LG025.10.0100 100 0.20 DIN 12 700 Normuna...
Büret Otomatik, Çift PTFE musluklu, Amber
Katalog No Depolu Deposuz Hacim (ml) Tolerans (ml) Ambalaj Miktarı LG025.11.0010 LG025.12.0010 10 0.02 1 Adet LG025.11.0025 LG025.12.0025 25 0.05 LG025.11.0050 LG025.12.0050 50 0.10 DIN 12 700 Normuna...
Büret Otomatik, Tek teflon musluklu, Amber
Katalog No Depolu Deposuz Hacim (ml) Tolerans (ml) Ambalaj Miktarı LG025.47.0010 LG025.48.0010 10 0.02 1 Adet LG025.47.0025 LG025.48.0025 25 0.05 LG025.47.0050 LG025.48.0050 50 0.10 DIN 12 700 Normuna...
Büret Otomatik, Tek teflon musluklu, Şeffaf
Katalog No Depolu Deposuz Hacim (ml) Tolerans (ml) Ambalaj Miktarı LG025.45.0010 LG025.46.0010 10 0.02 1 Adet LG025.45.0025 LG025.46.0025 25 0.05 LG025.45.0050 LG025.46.0050 50 0.10 DIN 12 700 Normuna...
Büret Otomatik, Çift Cam musluklu, Amber
Katalog No Depolu Deposuz Hacim (ml) Tolerans (ml) Ambalaj Miktarı LG025.13.0010 LG025.14.0010 10 0.02 1 Adet LG025.13.0025 LG025.14.0025 25 0.05 LG025.13.0050 LG025.14.0050 50 0.10 DIN 12 700 Normuna...
Büret, Mikro, Cam ve PTFE musluklu
Katalog No Cam Musluklu PTFE musluklu Hacim (ml) Tolerans (ml) Ambalaj Miktarı LG025.18.0005 LG025.19.0005 5 0.02 1 Adet LG025.18.0010 LG025.19.0010 10 DIN 12 700 Normuna...
Pipet, Bullu
Katalog No Hacim (ml) Ambalaj Miktarı LG025.22.0005 5 1 Adet LG025.22.0010 10 LG025.22.0015 15 LG025.22.0020 20 LG025.22.0025 25 LG025.22.0050 50 LG025.22.0100 100 DIN 12 691 Normuna...
Mezür, Uzun tip, Altıgen tabanlı
Katalog No Hacim (ml) Ambalaj Miktarı LG025.26.0005 5 2 Adet LG025.26.0010 10 LG025.26.0025 25 LG025.26.0050 50 LG025.26.0100 100 LG025.26.0250 250 LG025.26.0500 500 LG025.26.1000 1000 LG025.26.2000 2000 DIN 12 680 Normuna...
Mezür, Uzun tip, Altıgen tabanlı, Şilifli
Katalog No Hacim (ml) Ambalaj Miktarı LG025.27.0005 5 2 Adet LG025.27.0010 10 LG025.27.0025 25 LG025.27.0050 50 LG025.27.0100 100 LG025.27.0250 250 LG025.27.0500 500 LG025.27.1000 1000 LG025.27.2000 2000 DIN 12 685 Normuna...
Vakum filtrasyon seti parçaları
Katalog No Açıklama LG027.13.0030 300 ml ekleme hunisi LG027.13.0047 47 mm filtre tutucu NS:40/38 LG027.13.0001 Filtrasyon kıskacı LG027.13.1000 1000 ml...
Laboratuvar Şişesi, Mavi vida kapaklı (GL 45), Otoklavlanabilir.
ŞEFFAF Katalog No Hacim (ml) Çapı d (mm) Boy h (mm) Ambalaj Miktarı LG2070.M.00100 100 56 105 10 Adet LG2070.M.00250 250 70 143 LG2070.M.00500 500 86 182 LG2070.M.01000 1000 101 203 LG2070.M.02000 2000 136 260 LG2070.M.05000 5000 186 355 6 Adet LG2070.M.10000 10000 234 435 1 Adet LG2070.M.20000 20000 288 505 AMBER Katalog No Hacim (ml) Çapı d (mm) Boy h (mm) Ambalaj...
Vacuubrand ME 4C NT + 2AK Vakum Pompası
Technical dataUnitME 4C NT +2AK Number of heads / stages 2 / 1 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz m3/h 3.9 / 4.3 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz cfm 2.3 / 2.5 Ultimate vacuum (abs.) mbar/torr 70 / 52 Ambient temperature range (operation) °C 10 - 40 Ambient temperature range (storage) °C -10 - 60 Max. back pressure (abs.) bar 1.1 Inlet connection Hose nozzle DN 8-10 mm Outlet connection Hose nozzle DN 8-10 mm Rated...
VAcuubrand ME 8C NT Vakum Pompası
Technical dataUnitME 8C NT Number of heads / stages 4 / 1 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz m3/h 7.1 / 7.8 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz cfm 4.2 / 4.6 Ultimate vacuum (abs.) mbar/torr 70 / 52 Ambient temperature range (operation) °C 10 - 40 Ambient temperature range (storage) °C -10 - 60 Max. back pressure (abs.) bar 1.1 Inlet connection Hose nozzle DN 8-10 mm Outlet connection Hose nozzle DN 8-10 mm Rated motor...
Vacuubrand ME 8C NT + 2AK Vakum Pompası
UnitME 8C NT +2AK Number of heads / stages 4 / 1 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz m3/h 7.1 / 7.8 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz cfm 4.2 / 4.6 Ultimate vacuum (abs.) mbar/torr 70 / 52 Ambient temperature range (operation) °C 10 - 40 Ambient temperature range (storage) °C -10 - 60 Max. back pressure (abs.) bar 1.1 Inlet connection Hose nozzle DN 8-10 mm Outlet connection Hose nozzle DN 8-10 mm Rated motor...
A&D BM SERİSİ MİKRO TERAZİLER 0.000001 g / 0.001 mg
MODEL BM-20 BM-22 BM-252 BM-200 BM-300 BM-500 Weighing capacity 22g 5.1g / 22g1 250g 220 g 320 g 520 g Minimum weighing value 0.001mg 0.001mg / 0.01 mg 0.01mg 0.1mg Repeatability/Std Dev 0.0025mg (for 1g) 0.004mg (for 1g) / 0.01mg 0.03mg (for 100g) 0.1mg 0.2mg Linearity ±0.010mg ±0.010mg / ±0.02mg ±0.010mg ±0.2mg ±0.3mg ±0.5mg Stabilization Time (set to FAST) Approx. 10 sec. Approx. 10 / 8 sec. Approx. 8 sec. Approx. 3.5...
Otomatik Pipetler - Nichipet EX Plus II
Cat. No Volume Setting Volume range(μL) Increments(μL) Usable tips 00-NPX2-2 Digital...
BM Serisi Yarı Mikro Teraziler
MODEL BM-20 BM-22 BM-252 BM-200 BM-300 BM-500 Weighing capacity 22g 5.1g / 22g1 250g 220 g 320 g 520 g Minimum weighing value 0.001mg 0.001mg / 0.01 mg 0.01mg 0.1mg Repeatability/Std Dev 0.0025mg (for 1g) 0.004mg (for 1g) / 0.01mg 0.03mg (for 100g) 0.1mg 0.2mg Linearity ±0.010mg ±0.010mg / ±0.02mg ±0.010mg ±0.2mg ±0.3mg ±0.5mg Stabilization Time (set to FAST) Approx. 10 sec. Approx. 10 / 8 sec. Approx. 8 sec. Approx. 3.5...
GR Serisi Analitik Teraziler
CAPACITY/RESOLUTION GR-120 GR-200 GR-300 GR-202 Gram (g) 120x0.0001 210x0.0001 310x0.0001 210x0.0001/42x0.00001 (mg) 120000x0.1 210000x0.1 310000x0.1 210000x0.1/42000x0.01 Decimal Ounce (oz) 4.2x0.00001 7.4x0.00001 10x0.00001 7.4x0.00001/1.4x0.000001 Troy Ounce (ozt) 3.8x0.00001 6.7x0.00001 9.9x0.00001 6.7x0.00001/1.3x0.000001 Pennyweight (dwt) 77x0.0001 135x0.0001 199x0.0001 135x0.0001/27x0.00001 Carat...
HR Serisi Analitik Teraziler
MODEL HR-100A / HR-100AZ HR-150A / HR-150AZ HR-250A / HR-250AZ Weighing capacity 102g 152g 252g Minimum weighing value 0.1mg Repeatability/Std Dev 0.01mg 0 to 200 g: 0.1 mg200 to 252 g: 0.2 mg Linearity ±0.2mg ±0.3mg Stabilization Time (set to FAST) Approx. 2 second* Sensitivity Drift ±2ppm/°C (10°C-30°C/50°F-86°F) Calibration HR-A External HR-AZ Internal Clock and calendar...
GX Serisi Hassas Teraziler
GX-200 GX-400 GX-600 GX-800 GX-1000 Gram (g) 210 x 0.001 410 x 0.001 610 x 0.001 810 x 0.001 1100 x 0.001 Decimal ounce (oz) 7.40755 x 0.00005 14.46230 x 0.00005 21.51710 x 0.00005 28.57190 x 0.00005 38.80135 x 0.00005 Decimal pound (lb) 0.462970 x 0.000005 0.903895 x 0.000005 1.344820 x 0.000005 1.785744 x 0.000005 2.425084 x 0.000005 Troy ounce (ozt) 6.75165 x 0.00005 13.18180 x 0.00005 19.61195 x 0.00005 26.04210 x 0.00005 35.36582 x...
GF Serisi Hassas Teraziler
SPECIFICATIONS GF-200 GF-300 GF-400 GF-600 GF-800 GF-1000 Gram (g) 210 x 0.001 310 x 0.001 410 x 0.001 610 x 0.001 810 x 0.001 1100 x 0.001 Decimal ounce (oz) 7.40755 x 0.00005 10.93493 x 0.00005 14.46230 x 0.00005 21.51710 x 0.00005 28.57190 x 0.00005 38.80135 x 0.00005 Decimal pound (lb) 0.462970 x 0.000005 0.68343 x 0.000005 0.903895 x 0.000005 1.344820 x 0.000005 1.785744 x 0.000005 2.425084 x 0.000005 Troy ounce (ozt) 6.75165 x...
EJ Serisi Hassas Teraziler
MODEL EJ-123 EJ-303 EJ-120 EJ-200 EJ-300 EJ-410 EJ-610 Weight capacity 120 g 310 g 120 g 210 g 310 g 410 g 610 g Min. display "d" 0.001 g 0.001 g 0.01 g 0.01 g 0.01 g 0.01 g 0.01 g Repeatability(Std. deviation) 0.003 g 0.003 g 0.01 g 0.01 g 0.01 g 0.01 g 0.01 g Linearity ±0.003 g ±0.003 g ±0.01 g ±0.01 g ±0.02 g ±0.02 g ±0.02 g Sensitivity drift ±20 ppm / °C (10°C-30°C / 50°F-86°F) No. of samples 5, 10, 25, 50...
MX Serisi Nem Tayin Cihazları
MODEL CAPACITY RESOLUTION MOISTURE CONTENT PAN SIZE MS-70 71g 0.0001g 0.001%/0.01%/0.1% 85mm MX-50 51g 0.001g 0.01%/0.1% 85mm MF-50 51g 0.002g 0.05%/0.1%/1% 85mm ML-50 51g 0.005g 0.1%/1% 85mm AND NEM TAYİN CİHAZLARI MODEL KAPASİTE TARTIM HASSASİYETİ NEM HASSASİYETİ KAL. SİSTEMİ MS-70 71 g 0.0001 g 0.001 % Harici MX-50 51 g 0.001 g 0.01 % Harici 400 Watt...
Vacuubrand MD 4C NT Vakum Pompası
echnical data Unit Converter Technical dataUnitMD 4C NT Number of heads / stages 4 / 3 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz m3/h 3.4 / 3.8 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz cfm 2.0 / 2.2 Ultimate vacuum (abs.) mbar/torr 1.5 / 1.1 Ultim. vac. (abs.) with gas ballast mbar/torr 3 / 2.2 Ambient temperature range (operation) °C 10 - 40 Ambient temperature range (storage) °C -10 - 60 Max. back pressure (abs.) bar 1.1 Inlet...
Vacuubrand PC 3001 Basic Vakum Ünitesi
Technical data Unit Converter Technical dataUnitPC 3001 basic Vacuum controller Drehzahleinstellung Number of heads / stages 4 / 3 Max. pumping speed m3/h 2.0 Max. pumping speed cfm 1.2 Ultimate vacuum (abs.) mbar/torr 2 / 1.5 Ultim. vac. (abs.) with gas ballast mbar/torr 4 / 3 Ambient temperature range (operation) °C 10 - 40 Ambient temperature range (storage) °C -10 - 60 Max. back pressure...
Vacuubrand PC 3001 Vario Pro Vakum Ünitesi
Technical data Unit Converter Technical dataUnitPC 3001 VARIOpro Vacuum controller CVC 3000 Number of heads / stages 4 / 3 Max. pumping speed m3/h 2.0 Max. pumping speed cfm 1.2 Ultimate vacuum (abs.) mbar/torr 2 / 1.5 Ultim. vac. (abs.) with gas ballast mbar/torr 4 / 3 Ambient temperature range (operation) °C 10 - 40 Ambient temperature range (storage) °C -10 - 60 Max. back pressure (abs.) bar 1.1 Inlet...
Vacuubrand MD 4CRL NT
Technical data Unit Converter Technical dataUnitMD 4CRL NT Number of heads / stages 4 / 3 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz m3/h 3.4 / 3.8 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz cfm 2.0 / 2.2 Ultimate vacuum (abs.) mbar/torr 1.5 / 1.1 Integral leakage rate mbar l/s 0.001 Ambient temperature range (operation) °C 10 - 40 Ambient temperature range (storage) °C -10 - 60 Max. back pressure (abs.) bar 1.1 Inlet connection Small...
Vacuubrand MD 12C NT
echnical data Unit Converter Technical dataUnitMD 12C NT Number of heads / stages 8 / 3 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz m3/h 12.0 / 13.3 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz cfm 7.1 / 7.8 Ultimate vacuum (abs.) mbar/torr 2 / 1.5 Ultim. vac. (abs.) with gas ballast mbar/torr 4 / 3 Ambient temperature range (operation) °C 10 - 40 Ambient temperature range (storage) °C -10 - 60 Max. back pressure (abs.) bar 1.1 Inlet...
Vacuubrand MD 4C NT +2AK
Technical data Unit Converter Technical dataUnitMD 4C NT +2AK Number of heads / stages 4 / 3 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz m3/h 3.4 / 3.8 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz cfm 2.0 / 2.2 Ultimate vacuum (abs.) mbar/torr 1.5 / 1.1 Ultim. vac. (abs.) with gas ballast mbar/torr 3 / 2.2 Ambient temperature range (operation) °C 10 - 40 Ambient temperature range (storage) °C -10 - 60 Max. back pressure (abs.) bar 1.1 Inlet...
Vacuubrand MD 4C NT +AK+EK
Technical data Unit Converter Technical dataUnitMD 4C NT +AK+EK Number of heads / stages 4 / 3 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz m3/h 3.4 / 3.8 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz cfm 2.0 / 2.2 Ultimate vacuum (abs.) mbar/torr 1.5 / 1.1 Ultim. vac. (abs.) with gas ballast mbar/torr 3 / 2.2 Ambient temperature range (operation) °C 10 - 40 Ambient temperature range (storage) °C -10 - 60 Max. back pressure (abs.) bar 1.1 Inlet...
Vacuubrand VARIO® PC 3001 VARIOpro TE
echnical data Unit Converter Technical dataUnitPC 3001 VARIOpro TE Vacuum controller CVC 3000 Number of heads / stages 4 / 3 Max. pumping speed m3/h 2.0 Max. pumping speed cfm 1.2 Ultimate vacuum (abs.) mbar/torr 2 / 1.5 Ultim. vac. (abs.) with gas ballast mbar/torr 4 / 3 Ambient temperature range (operation) °C 10 - 40 Ambient temperature range (storage) °C -10 - 60 Max. back pressure...
Vacuubrand VARIO® PC 3001 VARIOpro EK Peltronic
Technical data Unit Converter Technical dataUnitPC 3001 VARIOpro EK Peltronic Vacuum controller CVC 3000 Number of heads / stages 4 / 3 Max. pumping speed m3/h 2.0 Max. pumping speed cfm 1.2 Ultimate vacuum (abs.) mbar/torr 2 / 1.5 Ultim. vac. (abs.) with gas ballast mbar/torr 4 / 3 Ambient temperature range (operation) °C 10 - 40 Ambient temperature range (storage) °C -10 - 60 Max. back pressure...
Vacuubrand PC 201 NT
Technnical data Unit Converter Technical dataUnitPC 201 NT Vacuum controller Manometer Number of heads / stages 4 / 3 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz m3/h 3.4 / 3.8 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz cfm 2.0 / 2.2 Ultimate vacuum (abs.) mbar/torr 1.5 / 1.1 Ultim. vac. (abs.) with gas ballast mbar/torr 3 / 2.2 Ambient temperature range (operation) °C 10 - 40 Ambient temperature range (storage) °C -10 - 60 Max. back...
Vacuubrand PC 610 NT
Technical data Unit Converter Technical dataUnitPC 610 NT Vacuum controller CVC 3000 Number of heads / stages 4 / 3 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz m3/h 3.4 / 3.8 Max. pumping speed at 50/60 Hz cfm 2.0 / 2.2 Ultimate vacuum (abs.) mbar/torr 1.5 / 1.1 Ultim. vac. (abs.) with gas ballast mbar/torr 3 / 2.2 Ambient temperature range (operation) °C 10 - 40 Ambient temperature range (storage) °C -10 - 60 Max. back...