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LabFiltration_24-25.qxd 1/10/2008 5:03 PM Page 24
25 mm Automation Compatible Filter Units
Filter units specifically designed for automated applications
Otomasyona Uyumlu Filtreler, 25 mm
Automation compatible filter units from PRECISE ALIGNMENT
Robotik Sistemlerde Yüksek Verimli Filtrasyon Millipore are specially designed to provide Filter units with “ears” on the Luer-Lok
efficient filtration for dissolution and other
automated sample preparation applica- connection can get stuck in automation
Otomasyona uyumlu, steril olmayan Millex şırınga filtreler tablet dissolüsyon testi ve diğer tions. equipment. Filter units with Luer slip con-
25 mm Automation-Compatible Filter Units
otomatik numune hazırlama uygulamaları gibi özellikle ilaç sektörü analizleri için etkin bir figurations can have unwanted angular
movement. Millipore has optimized the
filtreleme sağlar. Yüksek yoğunluklu polietilen gövde ve ön filtreli veya ön filtresiz çok farklı CHOICE OF FILTER MEDIA Luer-Lok connection on automation com-
High-throughput filtration
membran çeşidi seçeneği ile tüm ihtiyaçlarınızı karşılar. Bu filtreler yüksek basınç dayanımı, Automation compatible filter units are patible Millex filter units to ensure precise
bombeli gövde yapısı ve optimize edilmiş Luer-Lok bağlantısı ile otomatik sistemlerde güvenli available in a variety of membrane types alignment and smooth functioning.
ve etkin şekilde kullanılır. Features & Benefits and pore sizes, including units with pre- RIGID HOUSING
filters for particulate-laden samples.
Automation compatible filters from
Özellikler ve Avantajlar: • Domed housing ensures reliable delivery Drug Dissolution Testing, Automated Sample
Preparation, Clarification of Solutions
of filters
• Bombeli gövde yapısı ve optimize edilmiş Luer-Lok bağlantı filtrelerin kusursuz şekilde • Pressure-resistant housing resists bursting Containing High Particle Levels Millipore are subject to stringent quality
controls, including tests to ensure the filter
yerine yerleştirilmesini ve tam uyum sağlar PACKAGING housing can withstand backpressure from
The 200 pack comes preassembled in 8
• Basınca dayanıklı gövde patlama riskini azaltır Microfiltration Products • Luer-Lok® connection optimized for precise the filtration station. The housings of other
tubes of 25 each. (The 1000 pack is sup-
• Poşette dökme veya otomatik filtre değiştirme sistemlerinde kullanım için dispenser tüpte alignment and fit plied bulk.) manufacturers’ filter units are less rigid,
olmak üzere iki farklı ambalaj seçeneği bulunmaktadır • Available in either bulk or delivery tubes for which can cause a workstation to shut
25 mm Automation-Compatible Filter Units use with automated filter-changing systems
Some manufacturers’ filter units have a
Uygulama Alanları:Tablet Dissolüsyon Testi, Otomatik Numune Hazırlama, Yüksek Partikül
Düzeyine Sahip Çözeltilerin Durultulması Automation-compatible, non-sterile Millex® square edge on the housing that can jam
High-throughput filtration syringe filter units provide efficient filtration Specifications in the dispensing carousel. Automation
compatible filter units from Millipore have
for dissolution testing and other automated
Features & Benefits ApplicationsHousing Material a domed housing to ensure reliable
sample preparation applications, especially for
• Domed housing ensures reliable delivery Drug Dissolution Testing, Automated Sample Female Luer-Lok®
Inlet Fittings
of filters pharmaceutical product analysis. These filters Outlet Fittings SPECIFICATIONS
Male Luer-Slip™
Preparation, Clarification of Solutions
Özellikler • Pressure-resistant housing resists bursting Containing High Particle Levels Housing Material HDPE
feature high-density polyethylene housing
Filtration Area, cm²
and a wide choice of membrane types, with or
• Luer-Lok® connection optimized for precise
Gövde Materyali HDPE (yüksek yoğunluklu polietilen) Process Volume, mL Inlet Fittings Female Luer-Lok ®
without prefilters, to fit any application need.
alignment and fit Hold-up Volume, µL* <100 (membrane); <200 (membrane and prefilter)
Giriş Bağlantısı Female Luer -Lok ® Maximum Inlet Pressure, bar (psi) Outlet Fittings Male Luer slip
7 (100)
The filters are designed with a pressure-
• Available in either bulk or delivery tubes for 2
Çıkış Bağlantısı Male Luer-Slip™ resistant, domed housing and an optimized Maximum Operating Temperature, °C Filtration Area, cm 3.9
use with automated filter-changing systems Process Volume, mL 100
Filtre Çapı, mm 25 Luer-Lok® connection to ensure reliable *After air purge
Automation-compatible, non-sterile Millex® Hold-up Volume, µL* <100 (membrane); <200
delivery by automated systems.
Filtrasyon Alanı, cm²
syringe filter units provide efficient filtration 3.9 Specifications Automation Compatible Filters (membrane and prefilter)
İşlem Hacmi, mL
for dissolution testing and other automated 100 Housing Material HDPE Ordering Information Maximum Inlet Pressure, bar (psi) 6.9 (100)
Tutunma Hacmi, µL *
sample preparation applications, especially for < 100 (membran filtre) <200 (membran filtre ve ön filtre) Description Maximum Operating Temperature, °C Catalogue No.
Pore Size (µm)
Inlet Fittings Product Performance
Female Luer-Lok®
Designed for reliable operation on robotic
Borosilicate glass fiber membrane (APFB) for clarifying aqueous and organic solutions containing high particle
pharmaceutical product analysis. These filters 7 (100) Outlet Fittings Male Luer-Slip™ systems, including Zymark TPW , *After air purge
Maximum giriş basıncı, bar (psi)
Zymark TPW™, BenchMate™ ve
feature high-density polyethylene housing 45 Filtration Area, cm² 3.9 BenchMate , and MultiDose Workstations.
Maximum Çalışma Sıcaklığı, C°
® ilter Unit
Millex®-PB F
and a wide choice of membrane types, with or Process Volume, mL 100 MultiDose Workstations gibi ro- 1.0 200 (8 x 25) SLPBDZ5NZ
botik sistemlerde güvenilir çalışma
without prefilters, to fit any application need. Hold-up Volume, µL* <100 (membrane); <200 (membrane and prefilter)
için tasarlanmıştır
Low protein-binding Durapore® (PVDF) membrane for clarifying aqueous and mild organic solutions
The filters are designed with a pressure- Maximum Inlet Pressure, bar (psi) 7 (100) Millex®-HV Filter Unit 0.45 200 (8 x 25) SLHVDZ5NZ
*Hava çıkışı sonrası
resistant, domed housing and an optimized Maximum Operating Temperature, °C 45 1000 SLHVDZ5NK
Luer-Lok® connection to ensure reliable *After air purge Low protein-binding Durapore® (PVDF) membrane and glass fiber prefilter for clarifying aqueous and mild organic
delivery by automated systems. solutions containing high particle levels 0.45 200 (8 x 25) SLHVBZ5NZ
Ürün Performansı
Analytical Product Performance Ordering Information Pore Size (µm) Nylon membr Catalogue No. 1000 SLHVBZ5NK
Millex®-HV/PB Filter Unit
Qty/Pkane for clarifying aqueous and organic solutions
Borosilicate glass fiber membrane (APFB) for clarifying aqueous and organic solutions containing high particle
levels Millex®-GN Filter Unit 0.2 200 (8 x 25) SLGNDZ5NZ
200 (8 x 25)
Millex®-PB Filter Unit 1.0 SLPBDZ5NZ 0.45 200 (8 x 25) SLHNDZ5NZ
Millex®-HN Filter Unit
1.0 24
Prepare Low protein-binding Durapore® (PVDF) membrane for clarifying aqueous and mild organic solutions SLHVDZ5NZ 1000 SLHNDZ5NK
Nylon membrane and glass fiber prefilter for clarifying aqueous and organic solutions containing high particle
Millex®-HV Filter Unit
200 (8 x 25)
Millex®-HN/PB Filter Unit 0.45 200 (8 x 25) SLHNBZ5NZ
Low protein-binding Durapore® (PVDF) membrane and glass fiber prefilter for clarifying aqueous and mild organic 1000 SLHNBZ5NK
solutions containing high particle levels Low protein-binding hydrophilic LCR (PTFE) membrane for clarifying aqueous and organic solutions
Sağlam bombeli gövde tasarımı, otomatik Millex®-HV/PB Filter Unit 0.45 Millex®-LCR Filter Unit SLHVBZ5NZ 0.2 200 (8 x 25) SLLGDZ5NZ
Bombeli gövde otomasyona uyumlu 25
200 (8 x 25)
sistemin çalışması sırasında meydana gelen ani mm Millex şırınga ucu filtrelerin taşınması 1000 SLHVBZ5NK 1000 SLLGDZ5NK
duruşlarda geri basıncı önlemeye yardımcı olur. sırasında ortaya çıkacak üst üste dizilme 0.45 200 (8 x 25) SLCRDZ5NZ
Nylon membrane for clarifying aqueous and organic solutions
problemini ortadan kaldırarak güvenli bir
Millex®-GN Filter Unit 0.2 200 (8 x 25) SLGNDZ5NZ 1000 SLCRDZ5NK
şekilde cihaza iletilmesini sağlar. 1000 SLGNDZ5NK
Low protein-binding hydrophilic LCR (PTFE) membrane and glass fiber prefilter for clarifying aqueous and organic
Millex®-HN Filter Unit 0.45 solutions containing high particle levels
200 (8 x 25)
Millex®-LCR/PB Filter Unit 0.45 200 (8 x 25) SLCRBZ5NZ
Nylon membrane and glass fiber prefilter for clarifying aqueous and organic solutions containing high particle 1000 SLCRBZ5NK levels 355
Millex®-HN/PB Filter Unit 0.45 200 (8 x 25) SLHNBZ5NZ
For more information visit:
Low protein-binding hydrophilic LCR (PTFE) membrane for clarifying aqueous and organic solutions
Millex®-LCR Filter Unit 0.2 200 (8 x 25) SLLGDZ5NZ
0.45 200 (8 x 25) SLCRDZ5NZ
Low protein-binding hydrophilic LCR (PTFE) membrane and glass fiber prefilter for clarifying aqueous and organic
solutions containing high particle levels
Millex®-LCR/PB Filter Unit 0.45 200 (8 x 25) SLCRBZ5NZ
For more information visit: