LAUDA HKS Industrial Heating and Cooling Systems
Accurate temperature control is accomplished by either supplying or removing thermal energy to a product, a vessel or process. The medium used to transport the energy must be flexible—with a wide operating temperature range and a good specific heat transfer capacity. Gaseous and solid mediums are not as suitable for combined heating and cooling applications so those heat transfer mediums tend to be liquid based. As these fluids transport thermal energy they are also known as liquid heat transfer fluids, hot oil systems or, more commonly, thermal fluids.
LAUDA has developed a key competence for controlling process temperatures in a variety of chemical, pharmaceutical, biological, nuclear and medical settings. Our HKS Heating and Cooling systems are developed upon a modular design concept, where we are able to customize your system while ensuring optimal performance for the process. The HKS Industrial Heating and Cooling Systems deliver heating, cooling and chilling from -150 up to 400 °C with cooling capacities to 300kW.
LAUDA HKS Central Control System (top left of assembly). LAUDA contributes to new flexibility in the setup of process equipment. The central chiller (top left) provides cold oil to several TCUs which are on the back side of assembly. The LAUDA central heater unit (top middle) provides hot oil to the TCUs. All LAUDA units are customized to fit on an aluminum pallet so customer can easily exchange all process equipment.
The HKS Industrial Heating and Cooling Systems allow you, our customers, to develop and scale-up production more quickly and efficiently, resulting in quicker-to-market end products.
LAUDA HKS full container solution. The LAUDA SUK 600 W EX. Operating temperature from -45°C to +140°C ;100 kW cooling power @ -30°C; 100 kW electrical heating power; 2500 x 6100x 3000 mm; Siemens SPS S7 Control system ; 400L Expansion tank inside.
Single-fluid Heat Transfer Technology from -150 to 400 °C
LAUDA Calibration thermostats
Fiyat Talep Formu
- Kimyasallar
- Cam Malzemeler ve Diğer Ürünler
- Metal Laboratuvar Malzemeleri ve Diğer Malzemeler
- Vacuubrand Vakum Pompaları
- Ölçüm Aletleri
- Hirschmann Sıvı Transfer
- Normag Proses Teknik
- Lauda Sirkülatörler
- PRO Sirkülasyon Banyoları
- ECO Sirkülasyon Banyoları
- ALPHA Isıtmalı Soğutmalı Sirkülatörler
- PROLINE Viskozimetre Banyoları
- INTEGRAL Proses Termostatları
- PROLINE Kryomats
- VARIOCOOL Sirkülasyon Banyoları
- MICROCOOL Sirkülasyon Banyoları
- KRYOHEATER Proses Termostatı
- IVISC Kapiler Viskozimetreler
- LOOP Sirkülasyon Termostatları
- PROLINE Kalibrasyon Termostatları
- ULTRACOOL Proses Banyoları
- PROCESS Soğutma Sistemleri
- TD Tansiyometreler
- Isı Transfer Sistemleri
- Misung Scientific - MTOPS
- Tomy Otoklavlar
- Uniqsis Akış Reaktörleri
- Hanil Santrifüjler
- Operon Liyofilizatörler
- Woosung Vakum Pompaları
- GloveBox Sistemleri
- MDM Ultra Saf Su Sistemleri
- Rigol Spektrofotometreler
- Mmm Medcenter Gmbh
- A&D Laboratuvar Terazileri
- Shimadzu Lab Terazileri
- Kudos Ultrasonik Banyolar
- Dry Scroll Vakum Pompası
- Yamazen Flash Kromotografi
- Akrilik Desikatörler
- Otomatik Pipetler ve Otomatik Dispenserler
- ITV Kırık Buz Makineleri
- Premex Solution GMBH - Yüksek Basınçlı Reaktörler
- LAB312 Laboratuvar Cihazları
- Devar Kapları
- Vakum Ekipmanları
- Equus Masaüstü Otoklavlar
- Fuego Sterilizatörler
- Peristaltik Pompalar
- Funke Gerber Süt Analiz Cihazları
- Heallforce
- Faithful Genel Lab Cihazları
- Moleküler Biyoloji Ürünleri
- Sıvı Azot Saklama Tankları
- Yingtai - Santrifüjler
- Novel Optic - Mikroskoplar
- Öne Çıkan Ürünler